Episode 29 –
November 28 – We are now in to week number five.
I woke up at 5 AM thanks to another screaming
patient left in the hallway so I did my first set of upper body exercises. I
laid back down and quickly drifted off until 7.
My nurse for today is Judith who hails from Ghana.
Let’s see if I can scare off this one as well. I’m such a demanding and
miserable patient.
Next timeyou injure yourself and your doctor is
checking you over watch their facial expressions. “Does this hurt? How about
when I press here?” After you scream like a banshee when they hit the spot; I
can guarantee they have an evil smirk on their face.
This one of my two or three egg days are breakfast
and it was another hard cooked one. At least I suspect it was an egg but I’m
sure it I saw dimples and Titleist 7 stamped on it.
Dr. Haaf came in again and told me that Dr.
McConkey had overruled him and switched the range of motion change back to
December 1 from this Thursday which in effect the change won’t take place until
next Monday. The surgeon’s concern was how my weight would put added pressure
on my quads. Hey didn’t he read the chart. I lost 45 kilos last week. It would
appear my release date is going to around December 21. Great just in time for
the End of the World.
The good thing is today was Rubber Ducky day.
Angie went upstairs to get the stretcher and then she and Judith prepped the
sling under and handed me the control. It was Peter Pan time as flew in the air
onto my chariot (stretcher). I can fly. The staff on the seventh floor must
have been wondering what kind of drugs they are handing out on the sixth floor
because I had this stupid grin on my face heading for the shower room and a
huger one on my way back. Again, I feel so pretty.
Just as I was settled back in bed a code red was
broadcast at least this time it wasn’t someone burning toast in Evergreen. It
was a short circuit in one of the detectors in the construction zone
A doctor came to see the woman across from me and
I thought maybe he was wearing a Halloween costume because he was actually
dressed up as a doctor with the white coat, stethoscope and the band around his
head with the reflector. I so used to the surgeon coming in wearing scrubs or
dressed like he’s heading out to the woods and I’ve never seen Dana dressed any
more formal than a sweater and jeans even in his office.
Martin from the PNE dropped by on his way to work
and we chatted for about fifteen minutes. When he asked about who else had been
to see me from work, I told him and them told him I don’t begrudge anyone for
not visiting because I know we all have busy schedules and no one likes going
to hospitals. I accept this especially I’m really bad for avoiding hospital
visits and more so appreciate anyone who drops by.
Jane from VCC was almost as excited about changing
my dressing as Angela was last week. Jane only got to watch yesterday so when I
told her that my dressing would likely have to be changed because of my shower
today. She immediately rushed off to find Judith and then returned and Jane was
happy as a clam to dress my blisters. Me, I get queasy just changing a bandaid.
I’m beginning to believe I really am the teaching
dummy. When it came time for my physio, Jenny a student from Capilano
University was instructed how to adjust my braces and do the passive motion on
my knees.
Phase three of the student invasion came when Jane
was allowed to check my glucose level and I scored a 5.7 which is great for an
afternoon reading. After she completed the test she thanked me for letting her
do it and then I thanked her back. I had just thanked someone for poking me
with a sharp object and making bleed. Everyone is right. We Canadians are way
too polite!
My noise block out music for the evening was
provided by Melissa Etheridge and Rachel Maddow poisoned my little mind like
she does every night. Hey did you that both these women are...umm...well you
Layla was my night nurse and I just love her!
She’s cheerful and friendly without being too perky. I bet she is a hoot at
Now it’s time to curl up with the Green River
Killer and let that little blue pill do its magic.
To be continued...
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