My wireless provider was still not functioning and
initially I could not find that stray signal to piggy back off of this morning.
The biggest problem with the borrowed signal is its strength so I cannot stream
any videos. In way it was partly a good thing because I would have tuned into
Rachel Maddow and most of her show that night was about the Sandy School. That
would have just made sad and angry at the same time.
Once again my winning streak with nurses was
broken and I had Maggie back. She is the only nurse that asks me if I know
where I am. She is so dense I felt it was best just to give the straight answer
rather than “Dante’s eighth circle of hell”. She took my blood pressure the
first time and it was 119/66 but didn’t bother to look or record it and reset
the machine because my finger was aligned wrong on the oxygen efficiency clip.
For some reason the next BP reading came up 96/56 and she was concerned that it
was too low. I suggested that it could be an anomaly (didn’t use such a big word
with her) and she should try again later. By later, I meant after breakfast,
she took it immediately instead and it did come up a bit higher at 110/60. She
was then going to check my glucose level but I told her that Layla already did
at 6:30 and it was 5.7. She kept insisting that it had to be done before
breakfast. Rather than argue I was just going to let her jab me again. She
finally decided that if was taken at 6:30,it should be okay.
As I have said before Sundays really suck around
and it’s worse when you have a lousy caregiver. I had to convince Maggie that I
did not want to go into my wheelchair because I had serious seating issues on
Friday and some on Saturday. I did not want a repeat and it could have been
worse today because they are always understaffed on Sundays. The matter could
have been worse because one of the floor nurses went home sick and two senior
RNs Sonya and Ruby that don’t normally do day to day care of the patients had
to fill so that the floor nurses could get meal breaks.
Ruby was even lucky enough to draw bed pan duty.
The bed pan takes lack of dignity to another level. It’s bad enough that you
have to wait for someone to bring it, then you have to use, and eventually a
nurse has to clean things up. However the worst part of all is that long wait
after finishing then hitting the call button for the nurse. It always seems
like hours.
My friend, Janice, just happened to drop by during
the process and called through the curtains. Having worked at a hospital for
years she wanted no part of this but did reach through the curtain and placed a
bag of oatmeal chocolate chip cookies on my table. Thank you, Janice. :-)
After waiting since Thursday night, the porter
finally arrived just before noon to take Alex in the next bed down to the
operating room to get his ankle repaired. We were all getting a little anxious
that he was going to get bumped again. They told him yesterday morning he was
second on the list and told him the same this morning. He had told the nurse in
charge of the floor that if he didn’t get in today he was going to check
himself out and go to another hospital. He didn’t quite seem to understand that
he would go to the back of the queue elsewhere. He returned from surgery just
after four.
To my great surprise, I actually received some
physio this afternoon. Dal, one of the rehab assistants had me doing some more
active leg work that I hadn’t done previously. Not knowing my capabilities, she
kept trying to assist me until she realized I was several steps ahead of her.
We got a new roomie this afternoon, Katherine,
pre-op in for a fractured wrist. They took her down for surgery at 6 PM. It
turns out she lives in San Francisco. This of course, makes me wonder what the
cost of this will be here to her insurance company compared to similar care at
home. I would love to know what my care would be costed out at in a US public
Earlier this afternoon, I attempted to trust that
twit, Maggie to bring me 50 mg. of Benadryl which is my normal dose. Sure
enough when I looked in the pill cup there was only one capsule she did the
same last week. I just let it go. I’m so hoping they send her to another floor
Okay time to go off topic and climb onto my
soapbox. Today’s topic is the made up controversy of “Merry Christmas” versus
“Season’s Greetings” or “Happy Holidays”. First off it is nothing new, it has
been a common practise since the tradition of companies sending out cards
began. Both Christmas and Chanukah occur roughly at the same time of year and
large companies in the US had both Jewish and Christian clients thus they made
the cards inclusive. The current crap is not the fault of the “politically
correct” but contrived and expanded upon by the “Religious Wrong” and whacky
newscasters like “Fox News” to further their cause. It’s a typical propaganda
move if you tell the lie enough times naive people will start to believe it.
It’s called “Crisis Management” create a crisis and then manage it to your
point of view. What would these people do if someone wished them a Happy Diwali
or heaven forbid, Happy Eid especially if they said it in Arabic? Do not get
fooled by these hatemongers. I don’t deny there are some whacky “politically
correct” people out there but no one ever listened to them. Okay, I’m done and
I’ll begin to breathe again.
Maggie finally came in around 5 and decided it
would be a good idea to make sure I wasn’t having any issues with low blood
pressure. It showed up at 126/66. Boy, I’m sure glad there was nothing
seriously wrong with me because it only took her eight hours to investigate.
I finished the evening with a little reading, an
orange and one of Janice’s cookies while waiting for my nightly fix.
My night nurse, Judith didn’t even come and check
my vitals until 9:30 not bad considering her shift started at 7:30 and even
then I had to use the call bell because I was waiting for my sleeping pill.
For the first time in seven weeks, I was the first
one in the room trying to get to sleep but that was quite difficult with Alex
still dealing with post-op pain issues and Graciela trying to hork up a lung.
How much phlegm can a four foot six woman have? Then just as things were about
to settle down they brought Katherine back from the OR. That’s another half
hour of chaos.
To be continued....
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