Collective bargaining will always begin with both
sides making what the other side would consider outrageous and completely unacceptable
proposals. These are there just to test the waters and usually quickly
dismissed or at least set aside to be trashed later. Other less “outrageous”
proposals are also tabled merely as warning to the other party that even though
it may not be acceptable now assume that it is not going away and will be
brought up again in the next round of bargaining. A collective agreement is a
living agreement that evolves over several rounds of negotiations not a
document that is contrived today and remains in one form forever.
Once this “pissing contest” is put aside both
parties get down to brass tacks and hammer out a deal. Collective bargaining is
not like bartering for a blanket on the beach in Puerto Vallarta where you try
and get the best price and then both parties walk away never to see each other
again. Both parties in collective bargaining have it as being in their best
interest to come out with the most workable deal for both sides.
In any type of negotiations there are four possible
outcomes: win/win, win/lose, lose/lose and neutral. The ultimate goal would be
win/win but a more achievable goal would be neutral. A win/lose or lose/lose
outcome is toxic because you have at least one very unhappy party and will lead
to a toxic workplace. With regard to our
deal, I would put it into the neutral category.
One of the best tools a party can use in contract
bargaining is the use of professional negotiators because they will take the
personality aspects out of the equation and keep everyone’s eyes on the ultimate
goal of a mutually satisfactory agreement. Our bargaining unit was grateful for
the efforts of CUPE national rep, Dave Fleming assisted by CUPE 1004 agent,
Steve Varty and 1004 president, Mike Jackson. The PNE was also lucky to have an
equally competent negotiator in John Thorne.
Before I get into the actual details of the deal I
would like to point out one thing. During the process it became apparent to our
committee that the Pacific National Exhibition truly is in financial difficulties
at least for the time being. As with all problem-solving there is no benefit in
casting blame. Once the problem is identified there are only three questions
that need to be answered. How did it happen? How do we solve it? And how do we
stop it from happening again? This will always lead to a collective effort
moving forward. Hopefully this will happen at the PNE.
Wage increases of 1.5% per year effective January
1, 2011, January 1, 2012 and January 1, 2013 and will be retroactive for all
current employees and any 2011 retirees.
A new joint committee will be set up to review
all contracting out on the PNE site. The ultimate goal is to increase the
amount of work our members do on site and will likely lead to more cost effective
solutions for the employer.
A fairer scheduling system for full time
Playland employees
A two percent increase in the “in lieu” pay for
Playland seasonal employees with seniority
Items effecting part-time Public Safety employees:
Qualified part-time employees will eligible to
join the pension plan. This will be a great benefit because the employer
contributes to your plan as well and will help reduce your taxes while you
All public safety personnel carrying a security license
will have their license fee reimbursed provided they work at 200 hours in the previous
Rate upgrades by seniority will now be in the
contract. Up until now there was no contractual onus on the employer to do so.
The ability for PNE security personnel to work
at Playland provided the Playland roster has been exhausted.
My biggest regret in this round of bargaining was
not being able to get a better deal for the lowest paid Playland workers who
next season will be getting a wage only marginally better than the provincial
minimum wage.
Am I elated with this deal? No.... Is it a good
deal? Only time will tell....Do I think it is the best deal we could get at
this time? Yes.
For this reason I am recommending a “Yes” vote
when it comes up for ratification in the next weeks. It is your right to vote “No”
on the deal but before you do so please consider the consequences and what your
next step will be.
In closing I would like to thank the above
mentioned Mssrs. Fleming, Varty, Jackson and Thorne as well as the other
members of our committee of Rob Froescher, Ron Flanders, Dion Bellay, Gary
White, Paul McGraw and Aaron Martinello and the PNE management committee of
Stacy Shields, Jeff Strickland, Meredith Holmes, Rob Crema, June Goudron and
Heather Beckley for all the time and energy everyone put into making this happen.
(Hopefully, we will see a few females on our side of the table next round.)
Thank you and enjoy the rest of your day here in the Magic
Kingdom. Oh crap, wrong theme park! ;-)